Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 26

Apologies for not updating in a while, I think I still have to get into the habit of blogging regularly... Rest assured though I have been keeping up with what's going on with everyone else. I'm so jealous to read that some of us have large amounts of food that they have to get used to eating!!! While I am finally beginning to get used to the smaller portions allotted to me this week, I have to say that it is a constant challenge. While in week 2 I sometimes had a hard time eating the snacks and afternoon teas, now I am literally counting down the minutes when I can eat next. It seems like my portions now are just enough to get me to my next meal, and that's all!

My main motivator right now is the fact that I can definitely see and feel the difference in my body since beginning PCP. Similar to others, I am experiencing a significant increase in energy (I no longer feel constantly tired sitting at my desk all day), better skin condition, and I have an easier time concentrating and focusing on things.

Visibly seeing my fat decreasing is also another great thing (both in the mirror and in my numbers). Shivani asked about how I measure body fat. Once a week I'll go to Patrick's yoga studio and do a PCP workout with him, Ai (one of the other Japan PCPers), and alumni of the PCP program (I've met Sean, Kaz, and Kazue so far!). At the end of the workout we will measure some key numbers via something like the following:
It's a scale made by Omron, which is one of the more reliable makers of scales here in Japan (you can get this model for around USD 70 on Amazon). You basically input some information about yourself into the scale (age, sex, weight, height, etc), stand barefoot on the metal slides while holding the handpiece with the numbers on it, and it will tell you your body weight, body fat %, muscle%, visceral fat level, and other useful and not so useful numbers. While I was stoked with my numbers two weeks ago, I also had a pretty good showing this past week also. Overall, I lost 2 kgs while maintaining the same fat % and muscle %. The big acheivement for me was decreasing my visceral fat level (which is basically the stubborn fat around the organs) from a 9 to an 8.5, which according to Patrick is good progress!
Done for now, but I will definitely make it a point to update more frequently going forward :)


  1. I'm with you Eric. I feel like I am hungry all the time. My stomach is usually eating itself by the time snack time comes. Then I eat the snack and for some odd reason I feel even hungrier, especially if I eat citrus fruit. Trying to hang in there though. I just pray my portions don't get slashed come Friday. I might go on a HANGRY rampage!!

  2. I think I might be doing something wrong, I'm still feeling full most of the time and find myself having to cram food down my throat when I really wish I could finish. Hopefully I'll start to feel hungry soon...

  3. Everyone has different diets depending on their needs, don't read into other people's plans too much. Nickety for example, doesn't need to lose the same amount of fat as Erik, so he's going to be having big meals for a while.

    These types of Omron scales send an electrical pulse through the body, and can figure out how much fat and muscle there is by how long it takes the pulse to travel up to the handgrips. Pretty cool, but amazingly inaccurate for women.

  4. How awesome that you guys get to meet/work with other PCPers...Emily, Mickey, and I are in Brooklyn and it makes me feel good knowing that they're close by in case I need to uh, borrow a jump rope?

    Congratulations on your progress! Maybe you'll celebrate on the beach in Hawai'i soon?

  5. Yes, please update your progress and show us more delicious food!
    Congratulations on another PCP week!!
