Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 4

It's the end of Day 4 and the following are some thoughts:

I didn't think jumprope would cause so much pain...

Doing the exercises have been okay so far. Even the muscle soreness caused by the pushups is not bothering me too much. But my legs are just VERY unhappy because of the jumproping! Once I get them stretched out and warmed up, they are bearable, but when I wake up in the morning, or when I'm getting out of a chair after sitting for a long time... all I can say is WOW! Right now I am just looking forward to when my legs finally start adjusting.

Intensity is key

On Saturday I went to Patrick's studio to meet other local PCPers (Ai and alum Sean) and do the day's exercises together. I usually do the exercises alone, and I feel I follow Patrick's instructions to the letter. However when exercising with the group, what I realized was missing from when I exercise alone is intensity. Patrick kept the tempo up the whole time and created a very energetic atmosphere that really helped me get a better workout. I don't want to say I "go through the motions" when I workout alone, but I realized that my workouts would definitely benefit if I increase my intensity.

Eat it now!

So far I have been okay with the half portions, but I think one reason for that is that I am still eating what I want, just in smaller portions. I've been warned that the REAL PCP starts this Friday, so before that happens, I plan on eating reasonable portions of food that may not be PCP-approved before that is no longer an option!


  1. Hi Erik, thanks for the information on the intensity of the exercises. I have a tendency to take a 'breather' whenever it gets too hard. I'll try to keep going when I do my exercises today.

  2. Are you jumping with shoes on? Barefoot jumping will tear your tendons up pretty good after a few days.

  3. Hi Erik,
    Could you please explain a little more about the intensity? Does it mean doing the exercises faster, or more energetically?

  4. Hey Nikety, I also tend to slow things down when I'm tired or sore sometimes. I'm glad we are all here to support each other!

    Hey Patrick, no barefoot jumping here (gotta do my jumprope outside because my wife is worried about disturbing our neighbors below...) I think it was just muscle soreness because today most of the soreness went away!

    Hi Lili, I guess when I say intensity I mean doing the exercises with a sense of purpose and urgency. Purpose as in not just "doing" the exercises, but doing the exercises as if you truly want to do them and enjoy doing them. Urgency as in not rushing through the exercises, but not "cheating" by lengthening the rest periods (even by a few seconds). While I truly feel enthusiastic about the exercises now (which makes it easier to ramp up the intensity), I'm worried about a few weeks down the road when things really start getting difficult!

  5. Thanks for the explanation. I also share your worries about the weeks to come... maybe we will learn to enjoy the intensity of intensity!!
